by AVTS Blogger | Feb 19, 2019 | Uncategorized
Just like an infectious disease in people can spread and cause unprecedented damage, tree diseases can do the same. Some tree problems can eventually lead to the death of the tree. The disease may also spread and have devastating effects in the area. Of course, you...
by AVTS Blogger | Jan 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
After a spring, summer, and fall of hard work caring for trees on your property, you may think that you have the winter off. Think again. Sure, trees are dormant during the chilly winter months. But that doesn’t mean they’re not vulnerable to damage from...
by AVTS Blogger | Jan 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
It can be tempting to leave a tree stump in the ground after going through the trouble of taking out the rest of the tree. Yet, a tree stump left on your property is an inconvenient eyesore and a safety hazard. Here are three reasons why you need stump grinding in...
by AVTS Blogger | Dec 27, 2017 | Uncategorized
The green living revolution is gaining speed. At least 74 percent of Americans now believe the country should do whatever it takes to protect the environment. While this means more and more people will start embracing solar and other environment-friendly sources of...
by AVTS Blogger | Dec 24, 2017 | Uncategorized
Having a nice home takes a lot of work. Not only do you have to maintain the interior, you have to put work into fixing up the outside, as well. This also involves taking care of your yard. But, it sometimes isn’t enough to just mow and water your grass. The...
by AVTS Blogger | Dec 8, 2017 | Uncategorized
Do you have a beautiful oak tree but are unsure of when you should have it trimmed? You’re not alone. Pruning relies on many factors, such as the tree’s species and the reason for trimming, and can have negative effects when done at the wrong time or in...