Having a nice home takes a lot of work. Not only do you have to maintain the interior, you have to put work into fixing up the outside, as well.

This also involves taking care of your yard. But, it sometimes isn’t enough to just mow and water your grass.

The rest of your property could be nearly perfect, but a tree or stump in poor condition can ruin the entire image that your home presents.

Luckily, there are plenty of services that focus on tree and stump removal. In fact, it’s an industry worth $17 billion.

If you’ve never taken the time to think about if you need one of these services, there is a chance that you might.

Not sure if it’s right for you? Read on to learn about five reasons you should get rid of that tree and its stump.

1. It’s Unsightly

When trees get older or malnourished, they begin to rot and decay. If the rest of your property is in good condition, the tree will stand out even more.

When a tree gets to this point, it’s best to just remove the entire thing along with its stump. There’s virtually nothing you can do to save it.

This also applies to old tree stumps that may be in your yard.

2. It’s Dangerous

Sometimes, tree and stump removal can be a precautionary measure. Trees that are close to structures or near power lines are a huge liability during storms.

The last thing you want is for a tree to come crashing down on your home in the middle of the night.

Taking care of this before it becomes an issue is the best bet.

3. It’s Dead

Like dying trees, dead trees are just as unsightly. They can also break apart and damage property during storms.

Unlike unhealthy trees that may have a passable appearance on the outside, dead trees serve no purpose and should be removed as soon as possible.

Plus, dead trees can also serve as a safe haven for a variety of insects and other pests.

4. It’s in the Way

What’s the point in having a home that looks beautiful from the outside if an enormous tree is blocking the view?

While this may not be an issue for some people, others want it gone immediately.

Trees or stumps may also be in the way for any landscaping that you want to conduct.

Rather than work around the tree, it’s best to get the tree (and its stump) out of the way.

5. There’s Too Much Shade

Large trees are renowned for the copious amounts of shade they produce, especially during the summertime.

However, too much shade can actually prevent the grass in your yard from growing, leaving you with brown patches of dead grass underneath it.

To ensure your yard is as green as possible, you may need to get rid of the tree so that the grass can absorb sunlight.

Tree and Stump Removal is Easy…

Through the help of a professional. It’s not recommended to do it on your own due to the dangers it involves.

Not sure how it all works? Check out our guide.

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